FAQ: Can you see the difference between a dec Blue1Blue2 (turquoise) and a DecIno Blue1Blue2 (turquoise) Agapornis fischeri?

FAQ: Can you see the difference between a dec Blue1Blue2 (turquoise) and a DecIno Blue1Blue2 (turquoise) Agapornis fischeri?

Of course, a dec Blue1Blue2 (turquoise) Agapornis fischeri has a light blue shade on the rump, a DecIno Blue1Blue2 (turquoise) Agapornis fischeri has a white / light yellow rump colour.

See picture: on the left: rump of a DecIno Blue1Blue2 (turquoise) Agapornis fischeri and on the right: rump of a dec Blue1Blue2 (turquoise) Agapornis fischeri