FAQ: is there a visual difference between blue1 and blue2? Answer: I am afraid not. There were rumours / assumptions
Category: FAQ
FAQ: Are slaty and misty the same mutation and / or are they a grey mutant?
FAQ: Are slaty and misty the same mutation and / or are they a grey mutant? The answer is actually
FAQ: can we have DF hens in SL (incomplete) dominant mutations?
FAQ: can we have DF hens in SL (incomplete) dominant mutations? Answer: NO A sex linked (incomplete) dominant mutation is
Have cockatiels or Agapornis species parents crop milk as pigeons have?
I am afraid not. Crop milk is a semi-solid, crumbly excretion high in fat and protein that some bird species
FAQ: If blue1 and blue 2 are alleles …
FAQ: if blue1 and blue2 are alleles of the same gene, is it possible that each allele (blue1 or blue2)
FAQ: what is the tangerine gene / locus in parrots?
FAQ: what is the tangerine gene / locus in parrots? To be honest, it does not exist. It was the
FAQ: Are cross sections the only way to determine colour mutations?
FAQ: Are cross sections of feathers the only way to determine colour mutations? Absolutely not. Cross sections in combination with
FAQ: Combinations of alleles of the same gene
FAQ: Combinations of alleles of the same gene are indicated by writing the mutant names one after the other, for
FAQ: Genetics behind urucum canaries – Urucum kanaries
Unlike wild and domestic canaries (Serinus canaria), the domestic urucum breed of canaries exhibits bright red bills and legs. To
FAQ: Where are we with regards to the opaline mutation in Agapornis eye-ring species?
FAQ: Where are we with regards to the opaline mutation in Agapornis eye-ring species? FAQ: A number of years ago
FAQ: Can you see the difference between a dec Blue1Blue2 (turquoise) and a DecIno Blue1Blue2 (turquoise) Agapornis fischeri?
FAQ: Can you see the difference between a dec Blue1Blue2 (turquoise) and a DecIno Blue1Blue2 (turquoise) Agapornis fischeri? Of course,
FAQ: what is the difference between psittacofulvins and psittacine?
FAQ: what is the difference between psittacofulvins and psittacine? There is no difference. Psittacofulvins AKA psittacine or parrodienes [1], [2,
FAQ: X and Y or Z and W chromosomes?
FAQ: X and Y or Z and W chromosomes? In aviculture societies in Europe, the sex-chromosomes in birds was, for
FAQ: genetic symbols and formulas
FAQ: why are you using different genetic symbols / formulas in your book than in mammals (humans)? Did you invent
FAQ: is it possible that jade is not a basic mutation but a crossing-over between marbled and cinnamon?
FAQ: is it possible that jade is not a basic mutation but a crossing-over between marbled and cinnamon? No, it
FAQ: blue x blue = ??? green??
Updated December 29, 2020 Extract from my article published in the BVA-International journal from April 2019 In 2017 I was