FAQ: I do not believe the theory that a ‘lacewing’ budgerigar or ‘lacewing’ Agapornis roseicollis is a cross-over between SL
Category: FAQ
FAQ: What about ‘isabel’ canary? [Serinus canaria].
FAQ: I checked the list of colour mutations in your book “Erfelijkheid bij vogels”, but what struck me was that
NSL ino bird with grey primaries/ spots
FAQ: what is de reason behind NSL ino birds (with red eyes) with coloured spots in the feathers or greyish
FAQ: How do you go about determining the names of new mutants?
FAQ: How do you go about determining the names of new mutants? To begin with, I would like to correct
FAQ: What about the use of asterisks **
FAQ: What about the use of asterisks **? When do we use asterisks with a name? When there are still
FAQ: how can we determine that we are dealing with a new mutation?
FAQ: how can we determine that we are indeed dealing with a new mutation? On a weekly basis I receive
FAQ: can a green bird be split for “sapphire”?
FAQ: can a green bird be split for “sapphire”? For a start, it is good to realize that *sapphire* is
Pied cockatiel / bonte valkparkiet [Nymphicus hollandicus]
FAQ: In pied cockatiel we regularly see that there is dark suffusion in the mask. This dark suffusion is usually
FAQ: articles in BVA digital archive
FAQ: Can we find an overview somewhere of your articles that are online in the BVA digital archive? Sure, here
FAQ: misty and fallow
FAQ: has the bronze fallow and misty mutation any interaction/correlation with the pale Fallow mutation? With other words, is it
FAQ: lovebirds, melanins and lipochrome?
FAQ: lovebirds, melanins and lipochrome? There has been some fuss about a quote in a recently published article. I quote
FAQ: Does a dark factor affect the colour of SL ino green (lutino) Agapornis roseicollis ?
FAQ: Does a dark factor affect the colour of SL ino green (lutino) Agapornis roseicollis ? The dark factor is
FAQ: lacewing in budgies [Melopsittacus undulatus]
FAQ: I have been a judge for 40 years and I specialize in budgerigars. For years now I have been
FAQ: Crossing-overs on the sex-chromosomes
FAQ: Crossing-overs on the sex-chromosomes Question: can a crossing-over between two mutations on the sex chromosomes arise in hens and
FAQ: Pheomelanin and eumelanin in canaries [Serinus canaria]
FAQ: Pheomelanin and eumelanin in canaries [Serinus canaria]. Some canary enthusiasts wonder if there are several types of eumelanin or
FAQ: Riparian Parrotlet
FAQ: Riparian Parrotlet? We have recently discovered on a website info about Forpus Crasirostris, the strange thing is that they