Agapornis roseicollis: dilute versus pallid By Dirk Van den Abeele Ornitho-Genetics VZW MUTAVI, Research & Advice group Published BVA-International Journal
Author: Dirk Van den Abeele
Agapornis fischeri dominant reduced
Agapornis fischeri dominant reduced (nm) – mutationem novum Door Dirk Van den Abeele Ornitho-Genetics VZW MUTAVI, Research & Advice Group
Researchers at Powdermill Nature Reserve observe rare gynandromorph bird
Researchers at Powdermill Nature Reserve observe rare gynandromorph bird containing both male and female characteristics [Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 28, 2020]
Birds of the Tres Marías archipelago
The Tres Marías archipelago off western Mexico, is currently considered to have 24 endemic subspecies of landbirds. In a recent
Halfsiders, gynandromorphism and mosaics
Halfsiders, gynandromorphism and mosaics By Dirk Van den Abeele Ornitho-Genetics VZW MUTAVI, Research & Advice Group Published in BVA-International journal
Have cockatiels or Agapornis species parents crop milk as pigeons have?
I am afraid not. Crop milk is a semi-solid, crumbly excretion high in fat and protein that some bird species
Results analysis blue2 feathers
Update 11/01/2022 No trace of psittacofulvins were found in feathers of blue1 or blue2 Agapornis fischeri and Agapornis personatus. As
Canary with five toes
Birds have maximum four toes, but bird feet can have different patterns. Most common are: Anisodactyly: three toes forward and
We have closed our Facebook account
We have closed our Facebook account. Further announcements related to aviculture will be made exclusively through this website and
Teal added to our list of colour mutations in genus Agapornis
After several years of research and test matings, we can consider the teal mutation as a basic mutation in Agapornis
Violet factor in Forpus coelestis???
After we published our article in which we discussed the possible presence or absence of a violet factor in Forpus
FAQ: If blue1 and blue 2 are alleles …
FAQ: if blue1 and blue2 are alleles of the same gene, is it possible that each allele (blue1 or blue2)
Mechanisms behind mosaic canaries
A recent study, published in Science, shows that carotenoid-based sexual dichromatism in mosaic canaries, a hybrid phenotype that arises in
Genus Forpus, een taxonomisch overzicht, beschikbaar als PDF
Onze artikelenreeks: Genus Forpus, een taxonomisch overzicht, hebben we op verzoek van diverse liefhebbers beschikbaar gesteld als PDF. U kan
FAQ: what is the tangerine gene / locus in parrots?
FAQ: what is the tangerine gene / locus in parrots? To be honest, it does not exist. It was the