We regularly receive notifications and questions from enthusiasts to approve their friend requests via Facebook or responses to messages that
Author: Dirk Van den Abeele
Hoe oud worden papegaaien (echt)?
Hoe oud worden papegaaien (echt)? Door: Bert Van Gils Inleiding Papegaaien staan erom bekend dat ze hoge leeftijden kunnen bereiken
Farewell my friend
We just received the terrible news that Gerald Van der Linde passed away this morning. Gerald was one of the
We updated our info on FAQ: Blue x Blue is Green?
We updated our info on FAQ: Blue x Blue is Green? FAQ: blue x blue = ??? green??
Conservation project BVA4900
Since 2017, BVA-International has a conservation project for pure wild type Agapornis spp. The conservation project includes breeders who are
FAQ: is there a visual difference between blue1 and blue2?
FAQ: is there a visual difference between blue1 and blue2? Answer: I am afraid not. There were rumours / assumptions
Parthenogenesis in Agapornis roseicollis
The article on this particular case was published in BVA-International Journal of April 2009 By Dirk Van den Abeele Ornitho-Genetics
S.O.S. Swift parrot [Lathamus discolor]
As we announced on this blog in 2014: the swift parrot [Lathamus discolor] is an endangered parrot. And unfortunately the
Talking lovebirds?
Can Agapornis spp talk? I often get that question. In the past thirty years, I have received only one report
Psittacofulvins in blue1 or blue2 feathers?
Blue Agapornis fischeri and Agapornis personatus are considered not producing any psittacofulvins (psittacines) in the feathers. However, we could not
Blue-crowned hanging parrot tucking pieces of leaf among throat feathers
Long time we suspected that only Agapornis roseicollis is transporting nesting material between the feathers on her rump or upper
FAQ: Are slaty and misty the same mutation and / or are they a grey mutant?
FAQ: Are slaty and misty the same mutation and / or are they a grey mutant? The answer is actually
Agapornis roseicollis pale
Agapornis roseicollis pale? By Dirk Van den Abeele Ornitho-Genetics VZW MUTAVI, Research & Advice Group Published BVA Magazine August 2017
Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics
Nature ( the world’s leading multidisciplinary science journal) published an article in which they announced a substantial step towards the
FAQ: can we have DF hens in SL (incomplete) dominant mutations?
FAQ: can we have DF hens in SL (incomplete) dominant mutations? Answer: NO A sex linked (incomplete) dominant mutation is
It was busy yesterday
As a result of our post about turquoise Agapornis fischeri, we had a lot of visitors to the site and