In 2018 we received information from a South African Agapornis breeder that the dun fallow Agapornis fischeri / Agapornis personatus
Author: Dirk Van den Abeele
Fallow mysteries
Fallow mysteries By Dirk Van den Abeele Ornitho-Genetics VZW MUTAVI, Research & Advice Group Published BVA-International magazine February 2017 That
FAQ: What is the best way to name the combination of a crossing-over with alleles of the same gene or epistatic genes??
FAQ: What is the best way to name the combination of a crossing-over with alleles of the same genes or
FAQ: use of capital letters in names of color mutations
FAQ: In the BVA-International nomenclature, the name of a mutation is never written with a capital letter (except at the
FAQ: Is the difference between eumelanin and phaeomelanin visible on cross sections of feathers?
FAQ: Is the difference between eumelanin and phaeomelanin visible on cross sections of feathers? Yes, that difference is clearly visible
FAQ: Green versus wild type
FAQ: is green the same as wild type? When we search for the meaning of wild type in a dictionary,
Follow-up to our webinar on Non-Mendelian inheritance and epigenetic change in colour mutations in birds
This afternoon we had a follow-up to our webinar of March 19 about Non-Mendelian inheritance and epigenetic change in colour
FAQ: goldenface budgerigar versus bl1-bl2/bl1 Agapornis fischeri
FAQ: is it possible that the “goldenface” budgerigar [Melopsittacus undulatus] is genetically identical with the bl1-bl2/bl1 Agapornis fischeri (*aqua* phenotypes)
FAQ: What about *pallid* Agapornis fischeri?
FAQ: What about *pallid* Agapornis fischeri? Read update of 17/01/2022 The first reports we received about the possible existence of
The start
We just started with DNA extraction to examine the blue locus in genus Agapornis.
Study of the presence of pheomelanin in parakeet feathers
Study of the presence of pheomelanin in parakeet feathers By Dirk Van den Abeele Ornitho-Genetics VZW MUTAVI, Research & Advice
FAQ: number of chromosomes of Goudian finch?
FAQ: How many chromosomes has Chloebia gouldiae? As far as we know there was no specific research to the number
FAQ: How to distinguish between the different fallow types in genus Agapornis?
FAQ: How to distinguish between the different fallow types in genus Agapornis? The existing fallow types In genus Agapornis are
Update on *AR grey* Agapornis roseicollis
A few weeks ago, I was approached by Florian Gouze (France) who had reservations by the* AR grey* Agapornis roseicollis,
In search of the genetic background of *Sapphire* Agapornis fischeri.
A more extensive and detailed version of this article has been published in the BVA-International magazine of June 2021 In
Papegaaien kweken: een stukje geschiedenis
Papegaaien kweken: een stukje geschiedenis Door: Bert Van Gils Een aantal onder ons herinneren zich nog de tijd dat de