I had recently an interesting conversation with Mr. Chris Antony, a bird breeder from Australia. He informed me about a
Author: Dirk Van den Abeele
Indian ringneck parrot
In the context of a DNA study into the genome of the Indian ringneck parrot (Psittacula krameri), we would like
FAQ: what about capitals in scientific names?
FAQ: what about capitals in scientific names? The genus name is written first, followed by the species name and –
FAQ: Neophema bourkii or Neopsephotus bourkii
FAQ: Some taxonomist list include Bourke’s parrot in Neophema others in Neopsephotus. Is it Neophema bourkii or Neopsephotus bourkii? Bourke’s
Mutations in Cockatiels [Nymphicus hollandicus ]
As announced last week we will update MutaBase in the upcoming weeks with the list of colour mutations in Cockatiels
In early 2000, Dr Terry Martin BVSc, published his book “A Guide to Colour Mutations and Genetics in Parrots” containing
FAQ: eye color young pale Agapornis fischeri
FAQ: some breeder claims that they have pale Agapornis fischeri and that not all pale youngsters are born with red
List colour mutations in Forpus coelestis
On request we published a list of proven and possible colour mutations in Forpus coelestis. You can consult it on
DNA Research 2022 – update
In the past months, with the help from several enthusiasts, we were able to collect feathers from different colour mutations.
FAQ: How to determine the reduction percentage of the eumelanin for colour mutations?
FAQ: How to determine the reduction percentage of the eumelanin for colour mutations? We often read in the standards and
Update on *pallid* Agapornis fischeri
As with any possible new colour mutation, there are many opinions in the early stages. There are believers and non-believers.
Why is pink the colour of virgin birds?
Ismael Galván of National Museum of Natural Sciences (Spain) uncovers to exciting role of porphyrin colouration and what it might
FAQ: This one you won’t believe :)
Sometimes breeders can argue about the most crazy things, that’s what i learned this week 🙂 I received 14 emails
New proposed taxonomy for Estrildidae and Chloebia gouldiae
The last decades taxonomist classified the Gouldian finch (aka the Lady Gouldian finch, Gould’s finch or the rainbow finch) in
FAQ: different expression gene after genetic introgression?
FAQ: is it possible that a gene has a different expression after genetic introgression (transmutation)? For a start: The expression
A new case of parthenogenesis in California condor
A new case of parthenogenesis has been described in California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) Parthenogenesis is a relatively rare event in