A new study confirmed that a mutation in the SLC45A2 is responsible for the sex-linked ino rose-ringed parakeet [Psittacula krameri].
Author: Dirk Van den Abeele
Multicolor Agapornis fischeri
In 2002 I first reported about a ‘multicolor’ phenotype in Agapornis fischeri. These birds have a local reduction of both
Now available: O-G Whatsapp channel
On January 1, 2024, Ornitho-Genetics VZW will celebrate its 20th anniversary. To mark this anniversary, we want to launch a
DNA Agapornis pullarius
Voor ons DNA onderzoek naar het genus Agapornis zijn we, in België of Nederland, op zoek naar een fokker van
FAQ: articles in BVA digital archive
FAQ: Can we find an overview somewhere of your articles that are online in the BVA digital archive? Sure, here
Something to think about
Every week we receive e-mails from enthusiasts with mainly questions, but also suggestions and personal reservations. A valuable wealth of
Thank you very much
We received a generous donation from BVA-International to support our research. We like to thank Harry Bens, Alex Boom, Dominique
FAQ: misty and fallow
FAQ: has the bronze fallow and misty mutation any interaction/correlation with the pale Fallow mutation? With other words, is it
FAQ: lovebirds, melanins and lipochrome?
FAQ: lovebirds, melanins and lipochrome? There has been some fuss about a quote in a recently published article. I quote
FAQ: Does a dark factor affect the colour of SL ino green (lutino) Agapornis roseicollis ?
FAQ: Does a dark factor affect the colour of SL ino green (lutino) Agapornis roseicollis ? The dark factor is
FAQ: lacewing in budgies [Melopsittacus undulatus]
FAQ: I have been a judge for 40 years and I specialize in budgerigars. For years now I have been
update on red – orange Agapornis fischeri
Willie Mathews from South-Africa reported us that, after he bred the first *orange* Agapornis fischeri in 2015, he now can
Questions & Answers
This afternoon, during a zoom meeting with 200 breeders/fanciers, I answered their questions about colour mutations for two hours. It
Interesting paper: Conservation status and threats to lovebirds: knowledge gaps and research priorities
This Interesting paper:Conservation status and threats to lovebirds: knowledge gaps and research priorities is published today. Believe me, this is
New url Agapornis Genome Study
We have a new URL for our Agapornis Genome Study!! https://genomestudy.ogvzw.org Please update your bookmarks
Forpus coelestis teal?
A PPR (Partial Psittacine Reduction) mutation has been known for several years in Forpus coelestis. This mutation is considered turquoise