Today we received the sad news that Wessel van der Veen passed away a few days ago. Wessel was one
Author: Dirk Van den Abeele
FAQ: how can we determine that we are dealing with a new mutation?
FAQ: how can we determine that we are indeed dealing with a new mutation? On a weekly basis I receive
Who could help us?
For our DNA research, we already collected DNA samples (feathers) of different colour mutations in different genera. For the next
New mutation in Twenty-eight parrot
New mutation in Twenty-eight parrot [Barnardius zonarius semitorquatus]
FAQ: can a green bird be split for “sapphire”?
FAQ: can a green bird be split for “sapphire”? For a start, it is good to realize that *sapphire* is
Epigenetica bij zebravinken
In de uitgave van mei van Vogelinfo, het gratis maandelijks online magazine van Danny Roels, bespreken we een geval van
The first research results of our DNA study
The first research results of our DNA study into colour mutations in the genus Agapornis have been published today. In
Pied cockatiel / bonte valkparkiet [Nymphicus hollandicus]
FAQ: In pied cockatiel we regularly see that there is dark suffusion in the mask. This dark suffusion is usually
Spinus spinus
On request I wrote an article (in Dutch) about mutations in Eurasian siskin – Spinus spinus in Vogelinfo (a free
DNA research
We are still looking for feathers of: Green – wildtype monk parrot or Quaker parrot [Myiopsitta monachus] Yellow cheek and
DNA samples Agapornis pullarius
We are looking for blood samples of Agapornis pullarius. Who can help us in this?
SLC45A2 /SL ino gene in parrots
A new study confirmed that a mutation in the SLC45A2 is responsible for the sex-linked ino rose-ringed parakeet [Psittacula krameri].
Multicolor Agapornis fischeri
In 2002 I first reported about a ‘multicolor’ phenotype in Agapornis fischeri. These birds have a local reduction of both
Now available: O-G Whatsapp channel
On January 1, 2024, Ornitho-Genetics VZW will celebrate its 20th anniversary. To mark this anniversary, we want to launch a
DNA Agapornis pullarius
Voor ons DNA onderzoek naar het genus Agapornis zijn we, in België of Nederland, op zoek naar een fokker van
FAQ: articles in BVA digital archive
FAQ: Can we find an overview somewhere of your articles that are online in the BVA digital archive? Sure, here