Genus Forpus, een taxonomisch overzicht – deel 8 Forpus spengeli (Hartlaub) 1885 Door Dirk Van den Abeele Ornitho-Genetics vzw MUTAVI,
Author: Dirk Van den Abeele
Genus Forpus, een taxonomisch overzicht – deel 9 – Forpus xanthops (Salvin) 1895
Genus Forpus, een taxonomisch overzicht – deel 9 Forpus xanthops (Salvin) 1895 Door Dirk Van den Abeele Ornitho-Genetics vzw MUTAVI,
Genus Forpus een taxonomisch overzicht – Deel 10 – Forpus crassirostris (Taczanowski) 1883
Deel 11 – Forpus crassirostris (Taczanowski) 1883 Diksnavel blauwvleugel dwergpapegaai Door Dirk Van den Abeele Ornitho-Genetics VZW MUTAVI, Research &
FAQ: what is the difference between psittacofulvins and psittacine?
FAQ: what is the difference between psittacofulvins and psittacine? There is no difference. Psittacofulvins AKA psittacine or parrodienes [1], [2,
Is myostatin the catalyst behind the “standard” birds?
Is myostatin the catalyst behind the “standard” birds? Published: BVA magazine 01-10-2008 on-line: 11-11-2008 By Dirk Van den Abeele Who
Is myostatine de katalysator achter de “standaard” vogels?
Is myostatine de katalysator achter de “standaard” vogels? Published: BVA magazine 01-10-2008 on-line: 11-11-2008 Door Dirk Van den Abeele Wie
Afscheid van een vriend
Vandaag vernamen we het overlijden van onze goede vriend Etienne Moernaut. Als BVA lid en medewerker van het eerste uur
SL dominant greywing mutation in Agapornis fischeri???
In April, we announce on our blog that Willie Matthews did a lot of test mating with what he believe
FAQ: X and Y or Z and W chromosomes?
FAQ: X and Y or Z and W chromosomes? In aviculture societies in Europe, the sex-chromosomes in birds was, for
DM jade
As promised to Mr. Jameson Yerevan, I discussed this week his proposition to use DM (Dimorphemic) in combination with jade.
FAQ: genetic symbols and formulas
FAQ: why are you using different genetic symbols / formulas in your book than in mammals (humans)? Did you invent
FAQ: is it possible that jade is not a basic mutation but a crossing-over between marbled and cinnamon?
FAQ: is it possible that jade is not a basic mutation but a crossing-over between marbled and cinnamon? No, it
FAQ: blue x blue = ??? green??
Updated December 29, 2020 Extract from my article published in the BVA-International journal from April 2019 In 2017 I was
FAQ: non pied youngsters from dominant pied x dominant pied
FAQ: normal green – non pied – youngsters from a couple dominant pied x dominant pied, is this possible? Of
FAQ: are combinations of alleles of the same gene on the Z chromosome only males?
FAQ: are combinations of alleles of the same gene on the Z chromosome only males? (PallidIno or PaleIno or PalePallid)
FAQ: How can we differentiate (the hybrid) sable phenotypes and opaline in blue Agapornis fischeri?
FAQ: How can we differentiate (the hybrid) sable phenotypes and opaline in blue Agapornis fischeri? It is good that you