Farewell my friend

We just received the terrible news that Gerald Van der Linde passed away this morning.
Gerald was one of the co-founders of the South-African Lovebird Society and a real friend.
Gerald has done a lot of work to inform the breeders and to put the lovebird society on the right track. In doing so, he thought of the others first, never of his own interest.

Our thoughts are now with his wife, children, his parents, and the many friends and relatives he had. He was an example to many. He will be dearly missed but never be forgotten.

Farewell my friend.


  1. Rest in peace. He was one of the South-African “gang” and I have met him at the BVA Masters. In that time I learned to understand his language, Afrikaans. But sadly we lost contact. See you one day, my friend.

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